Dec 16, 2004

Futnani Jul - including competition

Ho, ho... today you should go see my friend Mikkels christmas-animation at Futnani Chambers. It's verrry nice and I think he means it... soo, click it.

He is so nice. Glædelig jul Mikkel. Kom snart hjem, ik'. Tak for din juleanimationshilsen. Den er fantastisk.

Christmas competition for anyone who doesn't speak Danish: The best translation of the above sentences, posted as a comment to this post. To prove that you didn't just use a dictionary, asked a Danish person or secretly speak Danish, you have also to explain why you translated as you did... the winner will get a surprising prize(so, if I don't know you please leave your e-mail).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Felice Natale Michele. Torni a casa presto non e' vero? Grazie per gli-auguri-di-natale-animati (one word). Sono fantastici !!"

But I am sure jeg kommer for sent!!

Anyway xLab made a good job but: "ik" stands for a short form of "ikke" that should sounds like "isn't?" in Danish.. I hope !
