Jun 18, 2007


Dear readers - It's time for a little status-report. The fact is that it has never gone better here on the blog. I changed the layout a while back and started posting consistently. Tweaked the design again a few days back. The aim has been more simplicity and legibility. Hope you like it.

There's never been more visitors - though most, 95% in fact, of them only come to see Britney give birth from behind. Fortunately the regular readership is also slowly expanding. And that is seriously nice. There's even a handfull of complete strangers amongst you. However I can safely say you're still a part of a true cult phenomenon.

I'm still trying to find the right format for posts. I've realized I'm not the most organized blogger in the world. Some are long and serious. Some short and silly. They sort of just follow my mood and momentary inspiration. And there's probably nothing to do about it, however much I want a strong, stylish concept.

So that's how it is. I you have any suggestions or critique - fx what to do with the hundreds of people wanting to see Britneys wide open pussy - don't hesitate to write me a mail or comment.

Cheers and thank you for reading :)

Love and peace


ps - bldgblog reports that Peter Cook has been knighted... so that's Sir Cook henceforth. Cheers to him. May he sleep well during crits.


Anonymous said...

den har blivit så fin din blogg!!

angående det der med britney så kanske du borde lägga in några fler bilder på henne. jag tycker mig ha sett andra fotos av hennes könsdelar flyta omkring på nätet. 95% av läsarna kan ju inte ha fel, väl?

vi ses

- petter

adam said...

Jehee... tak Petter, du er næsten min ynglingslæser :)

1 milliard fluer kan ikke tage fejl - spis lort!

And in English, adressing the subject of Britney spears (Petter think I should post more images of her genitalia):

1 Billion fly's can't be wrong - eat shit!