Jul 26, 2007


As the regular readers have noticed Adam in the World is enjoying the summer vacation. Instead of posting activities has included the Roskilde Festival, hanging out with my grandmother and playing with my old Lego.

At this very moment though I find myself in Elefsina, just outside Athens. Together with 420 students of Architecture from 35 European countries + plus a few from Latin America. EASA (European Architecture Student Assembly) has been taking place since 1981. Every year in a different place. Two weeks packed with workshops and parties and loads and loads of international socializing.

This year my role is to support a workshop about food (ritualized meals, the influence of context, memories and fx sound on the experience of eating, etc... good old fashioned playful conceptual experimentation) and to help out with all the power tools for the more practical workshops.

It's 45°C, really well organized this year, food is great, people are happy and the workshops are beginning to really take off. In other words - th atmoshpere is excellent.

For regular, possibly rather chit-chatting, updates of what's happening throughout the event check out the easa blog.

Jul 12, 2007


Just came back from the Roskilde Festival. Despite the amounts of mud and tents it is indeed a truly urban experience, a yearly experiment in ephemeral urbanity - a city of 100.000 people existing for 4 days. Build of nylon, rain, beer, shit, love and rock'n roll.

There's much to tell but it will not be now. Please just enjoy this painting by Vermeer - View of House in Delft ... which has noting to do with Roskilde. Except that it is also a city, where sometimes it rains.

What I like particularly about this painting is the plane of the facade. It Appears so two-dimensional. A veil. It is so fragile, full of cracks and holes. Explored and penetrated by the gaze of the viewer. A surface containing or defining a depth of its own.

Click it and it gets fabulously big.

Jul 2, 2007


What can I say... the Theremin is one of the more freaky intruments out there. It is, I think, the only instrument you play without touching. And yet it is as dependent on your bodys position and movements as a musical suit.

This the Ether & Æther orchestra. Randy George on theremin. Playing the Gnarls Barkley hit Crazy. And I've never heard anything like Randy George.

Happy monday!