Aug 31, 2005

Pictures Galore

One of the new sections in the sidebar I've called "image banks & other libraries". This is where I'm gonna put links to digitized litterature and other texts. And images in high resolution.

The latest link I've added will take you directly to "a collection of 30,000 digitized images from books, magazines and newspapers as well as original photographs, prints and postcards, mostly created before 1923" - oh yeah. I found it at wurzeltod, where the intriguing miss Suzanne recides. It is the New York Public Library Online Picture Collection.

And as a special extra bonus, only today, I will, ruthlessly handpicked from Suzanne most recent update, pass this on to you: Japanese Girls

Jurassic Technology

On a study tour 3 years ago to L.A. one of the most both interesting and fun places we went to was the Museum of Jurassic Technology. A wonderfully eccentric and eclectic institution with the most amazing things on display. Most of their exibitions would be filed under the term "lie", but, as so many things in this world, some of the most outrageous claims are in fact true. A truly mindprovocing museum, an exhibition of parallel realities... some of them even real.

So, ladiiiies and gentlemen... Museum of Jurassic Technology (whatever "jurassic technology" is supposed to mean!?).

Ruins and Elephants

Photograph copyright Shaun O'Boyle

I'd like to turn your attention to one of the links I've added to the fancy new left sidebar - the Modern Ruins. An amazing collection of photographic essay's by architect and photographer Shaun O'boyle...

"Ruins capture the imagination with their ability to tell stories, the rich language of architecture opens a window to the past, a poetry of architectural spaces, structures and found objects capture past events and offers them to the keen observer."

I might add that ruins might tell their tale not as much by what is there as by what is not. The ruin itself can only give hints, the stories act through what is missing. It's all the things that not there which leaves space for the imagination to take posession of the place, and thus the stories play. A game with the minds wish to make a whole picture.

My favorite essay is the Boatyard (the elephants graveyeard) . It was beyond my imagination that such a fantastic place existed. I'm not sure, but I believe this boatyard is around New Orleans... so it might not be very around anymore. Lets hope for the best. Especially for the part of the city that wasn't in ruins before.


Photograph copyright Shaun O'Boyle

Aug 30, 2005

New Features

As returning visitors should allready have noticed I have been fiddling around a bit to improve YOUR blog experience. And attract more young readers.

The changes, in the sidebar, includes, from the top:

°To increase the general feeling of drama on the blog "Previous Posts" is now called "Recent Headlines" .

°Even more action, pictures, things that move - a flickr-badge, giving glimpses and fast, direct acces to my fotos there.

°Finally for the more mature reader, the long ago promised and equally long awaited new improved links section(s). Yes, we have now no less than 4 (four) different categories of links. These will be changed tweaked and expanded in the future to greatly enhance adam in the world as your main portal to the world wide web. Now, go explore.

More info might follow later.

Comments and advice, as well as suggestions for links, will be very happily received.

Aug 29, 2005

Buttermovie 1



Aug 28, 2005

micro films

Goodverysundaymorning and puha what a party yesterday... meaning this is the most sunday I've felt in a long time.

And what is a nicer activity on a sunday than watching movies... luckily for us the good people over at money not art have found some really nice ones for us. The wonderful micro films of Akinori Oishi. They are so nice I wanna do some myself. Simple and yet very intriguing and quite surrealistic. And funny. Really inspiring.


So, lean back, drink coke with ice, and enjoy todays feature: Linky linky.

Aug 26, 2005

The Amazing Butter Experience

This is one of the projects that was made during our "curious suitcase incident" workshop at easa two weeks back. The Amazing Butter Experience was made by one of our most hardworking and talented participants, Kaspars Endols of Latvia. One of the few to really understand what we were talking about. Especially the part about experimenting rather than just illustrating preconcieved ideas. Experiment can be a very frustrating working method for an architect - to work on something without having a clear idea of the end result. But this way can really open up the world for you and take you beyond your own imagination.

After 8 days of hardcore experiments with butter Kaspars had created beautifull pictures and short animations discussing the ephemeral nature of memories in a very poetic way and creating wonderful colors, shapes, structures and textures as he went along. And a bit of smoke too.




See more of the pics HERE

Aug 25, 2005

goodmorning world

Today I've been up a bit earlier than usual, spending the time looking through and editing the absurd amount of pictures and other stuff produced during our workshop at easa.
While doing this I'm miraculously also able to squeeze in a bit of web surfing, and guess what I found over at money-not-art!! An architectural blog, woohooo.... it looks really nice. So here's the link of the day:

A Daily Dose of Architecture


Aug 23, 2005

Ok, let's try one more time...

Here I am, back and fresh from a long summer pause, ready to start blogging again. So let's see how it goes.

Lots have happened since my last post - and first af all I think I owe old readers to tell that my girlfriend passed and is now a real architect. She even got a job. And she's even still my girlfriend, hehe. And I even managed to finish mu own (not final) project.

The past two weeks I've spend at EASA - 450 students of arch. from 35-40 european (+ a few other) countries, gathered in Bergün in the swiss alps. Oh jeez, it gets cold up in them mountains when the sun goes down. Well, at least we got out of there before all the roads and bridges started to get rained away. And the workshop the Curious Suitcase Incident, was quite a succes. 14 participants from 11 countries generating around 3 Gb (have no idea how and what, got a lt of seeing through and editing to do) digital material in 8,5 days.

Read all about it in "THE FOLLOWING POSTS" where I'll return with lots of pics, links and stuff to read - this was just me sort of sneaking unnoticed back in through the back door.
